100 High Frequency AWESOME Sight Words
Let's get pumped up to practice recognizing, reading, tracing, spelling, and writing 100 high frequency sight words and sentences. Get ready to practice learning high frequency sight words by doing these awesome activities:
Sentence Building
Each page focuses on one (1) sight word. The following sight words are what you will learn in this out-of-this-world workbook:
a, about, all, am, an, and, are, as, at, be, because, been, but, by, called, can, come, could, day, did, do, down, each, find, first, for, from, get, give, go, had, has, have, he her, him, his, how, I, if, in, into, is, it, just, like, long, look, made, make, many, may, more, must, my, not, now, number, of, on, once, one, or, other, out, part, people, play, said, see, she, some, than, that, the, their, them, then, there, these, they, think, this, time, to, two, up, use, was, way, we, were, what, when, who, will, with, words, write, you
Let's get "Ready, Set, and Practice!"
Always Learning,
**miss nerd**
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